HomeBlogShiloh Shepherd Dog Breed Introduction, Pics, and Information: 

Shiloh Shepherd Dog Breed Introduction, Pics, and Information: 

The Shiloh Shepherd dog is a large, sharp, loyal, and friendly dog. These dogs are remarkable in size, intelligence, compatibility, and gentle nature. Due to their distinct ancestry, dogs are easily adjusted to families and make excellent trainees. Generally, the Shiloh dog breed possesses a calm and friendly temperament, which makes them reliable working dogs and family pets. Though, It resembles the German shepherd in appearance, this gorgeous huge breed is approximately 30 percent heavier and larger, giving it a more wolf-like look.

Hence, Shiloh Shepherd Dog have elements of a few breeds in their genetic code, such as the German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute. Generally, the Shiloh Shepherd is a trainable dog who performs excellent services like therapy, search and rescue, and obedience work. What is a Shiloh shepherd? The Shiloh Shepherd is a giant dog that retains intelligence, loyalty, a calm temperament,  gentle nature, and excellent family companionship.

Shiloh Shepherds Dog Well-Known Names

Here are the names of the males :

  • Atlas
  • Ace
  • Pierce
  • Ranger
  • Bruno

Here are the Female names :

  • Ada
  • Nikita
  • Petra
  • Jasmine
  • Annie

Related Animals

  • Wolf
  • Coyote
  • Jackal

Quick Facts:

Here are some quick facts about the dog:

  • Origin:1970s, United States
  • Creator: Tina Barber
  • Size: mature males growing to be 28–30 inches tall weigh 100–140 pounds, while mature females growing to be 26–28 inches weigh 80–100 pounds.
  • Lifespan: 9 to 14 years
  • Coat: Several hues, plush or silky.
  • Temperament: calm, kind, and devoted
  • Trainability: trainable and very instructive
  • Ability: Superb family companions, service dogs, search and rescue
  • Exercise Requirements: High; consistent physical and mental stimulation
  • Health: common health problems In the breed are hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and blindness.

History of Shiloh Shepherd Dog

Tina Barber was the first successful breeder of the Shiloh shepherd dog breed. She aimed to produce a dog breed that was similar to the German shepherds, which grew in Germany. The Shiloh shepherd is a new breed, developed from the German shepherds and Alaskan Malamutes. The American Rare Breed Association (ARBA) recognized this distinct rare breed. Shiloh Shepherd became popular due to its traits of a working dog, therapy dog, and family pet. It exemplifies the best features of being a unique and durable breed.

short haired shiloh shepherd

In short, the Shiloh Shepherd is a new breed similar to the German Shepherd and is remarkable with their gentle, friendly, calm nature and sturdy build. Hence, The German Shepherd created the Shiloh Shepherd to improve personality, temperament, size, and health while retaining intelligence or loyalty.

Shiloh Shepherd Dogs Size

The Shiloh Shepherd is a large breed, described by its remarkable size and muscular build.  Males’ size should be 28 to 30 inches high while females’ size should be 26 to 28 inches tall. Many dogs, meanwhile, are larger or smaller than the average of their breed. Their gigantic heads and heavily constructed, strong bone structure visually enhance their large size. They have an agile physique and balanced build that make them appropriate for various tasks, including working dogs and household companions. In addition, their substantial stature adds to their powerful and commanding attitude.

Shiloh Shepherd Dog Personality

The Shiloh Shepherd dogs are excellent family pets having a combination of affection, intelligence, and loyal disposition. As they are household pets that want to live with their loved ones, they get depressed, frustrated, and bored if they are left alone for a long time. Consequently, their behaviour changed and they became enraged. Moreover, They are highly active in outdoor activities. They enjoy going outside the house with their owners on hikes, bicycling, or frisbee games.

shiloh shepherd size

Shiloh Shepherd Care

Here are the following facts of Shiloh Shepherd care :


Shiloh Shepherds’ dog becomes more active by regular exercise. Walking daily and running in a secure area is crucial for their well-being and physical and mental health. They should engage in 60 minutes of exercise per day and be involved in hiking, agility training, and other activities.


Shiloh shepherd dogs need high-quality dog food to maintain their health. As they easily gain weight, monitor their weight and make any dietary adjustments. Moreover, A healthy, well-balanced diet should be fed to them, appropriate for their size, age, and level of exercise. Shiloh Shepherds tend to put on weight. The dog gets 60 minutes of exercise daily and gives superior-quality food to keep them healthy.

Training and Socialization

Shiloh Shepherd dogs can easily pick up instructions and tricks as they are intelligent and eager to please. Early training and socialization is essential for this breed. This breed needs a variety of environments to develop confidence, good behaviour, and manners. They become violent and aloof If they are left alone.


Their silky or plush coat needs regular brushing to maintain good health and shape. In addition, regular grooming includes clipping nails, brushing teeth, and cleaning ears. To avoid matting and tangling along with shedding, brush them frequently, bathing them usually every few months or when they get dirty.

Shiloh Shepherd Health

Here are some common health issues in Shiloh Shepherd dogs as follows:

shiloh shepherd smooth coat

Hip Dysplasia

A genetic disease that affects the hip joints of dogs. The symptoms include inability to run or jump, limping, and reluctance to get up. Generally, Medical treatments that include weight control, joint nutrients, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy should be mandatory.

Gastric Dilatation

 Another name of this illness is “Bloat” a disease in which the stomach fills with gas and twists. Thus, Immediate veterinary care is imperative for avoiding signs of drooling, nervousness, and an enlarged abdomen.


A serious health condition In Shiloh Shepherd dogs that damages the esophagus. The esophagus becomes enlarged and weakened in this disease. Consequently, the esophagus loses its ability to move food into the stomach. Therefore, Weight loss, coughing and gagging, nasal discharge, and frequent respiratory infections are symptoms of this disease. Consistent care, high-quality food, appropriate management, and routine veterinary examinations are imperative for their health.

Perianal Fistula

it is also known as anal furunculosis, a painful and chronic infection or sores located around the anus. It could be related to immune system failure or anal gland inflammation. Pain, swelling, discharge (which could be bloody or pus-like), and trouble urinating are the symptoms.it is very challenging to treat and manage. It’s essential to consult a veterinarian to monitor and diagnose a treatment plan for their well-being. In addition, Shiloh Shepherds and German Shepherds also drool after eating and drinking but do not excessively drool. If they drool excessively then they should be checked by a vet.

shiloh shepherd breed

Shiloh Shepherd Children and Other Pets

Hence, Shiloh Shepherds are friendly, loyal, gentle, and protective nature dogs. They are wonderful family watchdogs and interact well with kids, often forming strong bonds and acting as guardians. They are a tolerant and patient breed, which is crucial for a family dog. These gentle giants are kind and tolerate children of all ages, especially the ones they rise with. Generally, Shiloh Shepherd’s dogs can easily and peacefully adjust with other pets if they are given the right socialization and training from an early age. In short, A child should always be taught how to approach and touch a dog; you should never leave them alone.

Breed Organizations for Shiloh Shepherds

Shiloh Shepherd breed organizations are important in educating the breeder about the dog’s health to maintain breed standards and support ethical breeding practices. The main aim of these organizations is to protect, develop, and grow well-socialized Shiloh Shepherd puppies. These groups organize events and sometimes provide rescue and rehabilitation efforts to promote genetic and medical research.  Finding a reliable breeder is essential for anyone looking to welcome a dog into their home since these breeders will provide lifetime assistance and advice regarding health issues with dog breeding stock. However, Backyard puppy breeders will not interested in producing healthy, well-adjusted dogs. They will not screen their breeding stock to socialize their puppies especially their health problems and behavioral issues.

Shiloh Shepherd Coat Color And Grooming

Shiloh Shepherd dogs have a variety of colors, like black, brown, pied, and more. Their coat may have a blend of two or more colors. Their double coat should be brushed regularly to minimize shedding and avoid matting because double coats will shed quite a bit. Bathing should only be done as needed with mild shampoo because too much bathing can be depleting the coat of its natural oils. Along with bathing, Tooth brushing and nail trimming are essential for maintaining oral health. Their health will be preserved and their coats will look their finest with proper maintenance.

shiloh shepherd weight

Shiloh Shepherd Puppies

Shiloh Shepherd puppies are intelligent, loyal, and gentle puppies. At an early age, Shiloh Shepherd’s puppy’s brain is like a sponge that learns new things and basic commands easily. Hence, These puppies require a well-balanced, premium diet to maintain their general health and development as they grow. Thus, These puppies are energetic, active, and engaging companions because they need a lot of mental stimulation and physical exercise. In short, they can grow up as a loving, devoted, and affectionate family pets with proper care and attention. Hence, they must receive regular training and early socialization to become well-mannered, confident adults.


Are Shiloh Shepherds Friendly?

Indeed, Shiloh Shepherds are friendly, gentle, loyal, and affectionate dogs. They are a social breed and spend time with their families. Their gentle and calm temperament makes them good family pets and companions. Therefore, Proper socialization and training make them a friendly and well-mannered pet.

What Two Breeds Make a Shiloh Shepherd?

Shiloh Shepherds is a developed breed of the German Shepherd and the Alaskan Malamute. Indeed, The purpose is to create a larger, gentler, and more family-oriented mix breed with the intelligence of the German Shepherd and the temperament of the Alaskan Malamute.

Are Shiloh Shepherds Smart?

Generally, Shiloh Shepherds are super smart, capable, and considered to be an intelligent breed. Their intelligence makes them quick learners and highly responsive dogs like German Shepherds. The breed can easily adapt to various jobs, including flock guarding, child companion, guide dog, and more.


In the end, Shiloh’s shepherd dog looks similar to a German shepherd in appearance and gives a wolf-like look, too. It is a highly trainable dog popular for their traits as a working dog, therapy dog, obedience worker, and family pet. Hence, They have an agile physique and balanced build that make them appropriate for various tasks, including working dogs and household companions. Early socialization, Proper care, and training are key to their well-being.  In brief, The Shiloh Shepherds are versatile, loving, and devoted dogs that thrive in a caring environment.



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