Westiepoo or WeiPoo is a smart, active and intelligent dog hybrid from the Poodle and West Highland White Terrier. This results in a playful and social dog who loves to get friendly with human beings quickly. Westiepoo puppies are a great choice as they are cute and good learners or respond to commands. Westiepoo are not dogs who shed a lot, in fact, they have nearly no shaping capacity so this makes them perfect to keep inside the home. Individuals suffering from allergy issues have the great choice of Wesitie Poodle Mix who are fun-loving and enjoy to lay inside and outside the home. Their bodies tend to remain energetic as long as you will engage them in activities.
Westiepoo Breed History
To hunt the vermin and other small animals in Scotland, the West Highland White terrier was inherited to help the humans. Including the Westiepoo, other dogs were also bred in Scotland including the Cairn Terrier, the Scottish Terrier, and the Skye Terrier. Typically, the Westiepoo dog has a lot of colors of coats available naturally. But to hunt the foxes, the White Westiepoo is preferable.
In 1908, the American Kennel Club officially wrote the Westie Poodle in their record. The Poodle dog can be traced back to Egypt in the First Century. Undoubtedly, they are one of the ancient dogs and deputing over their original parents’ breed is common. Even back in centuries, the French used the Poodle to hunt ducks so this elaborates that this breed is among older ones.

Three Categories of the Poodle are available in this era: Standard, Miniature and Toy poodle. The last two were bred later on and the major difference is visible in their sizes. In 1886, the American Kennel Club recognized this breed. After World War 2. Poodles were not commonly found in the United States. However, Westiepoo is among the recent or latest breed dogs who are originally bred in the United States.
Westiepoo Breed Appearance
Westiepoos level and straight backbone are is from the parents’ breed. Westiepoo have bodies which are generally larger in comparison to their legs. With a starting and slight curve at the ends, they have their tails. Unlike the Jack Russell Chichuahua Mix, The length of the coat is medium and has curly hair. However, the tendency to shed is minimal to low level, so you can easily keep this dog breed inside the home without suffering from any allergy concerns.

As the Wesitopoo is originally inherited from the West Highland White Terriers and the Poodle, the features of both are visible in their rough and curly coat. Their oval and round-shaped eyes are attractive flat ears are inherited and then the ear’s tip is folded at the end. With alert facial expressions, they showcase their expression and intelligence.
Westiepoo Breed Maintenance
Unlike other dogs which shed a lot and also are dangerous for the health of allergy sufferers. Luckily, the parent breed, Poodle is among the non-shedding breeds. However, in the case of Westipoo Dog, it is suggested to comb or brush the hairs regularly to eliminate the least chances of the allergy. Trim the hairs only when they do get dirty.

As they tend to have curly hairs around their ears, you must give them proper time to trim the hairs every week. Brushing teeth is good for the health of this dog, so you can give him a daily toothbrush but ensure to not hurt the gums of your pet dog. About the nails of this Westie Poodle, you can trim them once every month or only when you feel like they are dirty.
They are smart, intelligent and lovable towards humans and tend to have a playful nature too. To keep them healthier, you will need to give them regular exercise by which your pet dog will be less prone to conditions like Patellar Luxation, Canine Hip Dysplasia, Addison’s Disease, Gastric Dilation Volvulus, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA), Canine Cushing’s Disease, Cataracts, Ear Infection, Inflammation. The nature of Poodles gets franc with the human beings but for the case of Westie, they love to live their life independently.

For the case of Westipoo Puppies, you will need to make sure that you are providing them with early training. They get friendly with any human, who gives them attention so you do not need to worry a lot about it. Due to their playful nature, the human children love to spend time with them. Westie Poodle will take the training in a lesser period and tend to get friendly earlier.
Health Concerns
Common issues a Westiepoo suffers from includes the following:
- Patellar Luxation
- Canine Hip Dysplasia
- Addison’s Disease
- Gastric Dilation Volvulus
- Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
- Canine Cushing’s Disease
- Cataracts
- Ear Infection
- Inflammation
To meet the minimum chances of health concerns, you must regularly take your pet Westiepoo dog to the veterinary and this way he will tend to live a healthier life too.
Activity Requirements
Westie Pups are an intelligent breed due to the parent’s characteristics and it is crucial to give your pet dog proper exercise daily. The minimum time duration of 30-45 minutes each day is to keep them in a healthier lifestyle. Westie Pups are intelligent so they tend to be obedient to their owner. You can keep inside the home and they are safer to be in terms of friendliness long as they get exercise, your pet dog will be more energetic daily. However, keep the climate changes in mind and adjust the timing to exercise in your mind. You can also purchase short-sweaters in winter to protect them from any cold weather conditions.
Similar Maintenance Breeds to Westiepoo
Here is the common breed which looks similar to the Westie Poodle as;
- Cocker Spaniel
- Bichon Frise
- Maltipoo
- Shih Tzu
- Toy Poodle
- Yorkshire Terrier
Westiepoo Weight and Height

Westiepoo is around 22-35 pounds when it comes to the weight and the height of males is 12 inches and females are 9 inches usually in most of the cases. On average, you will need to do the proper exercise. Naturally, their legs are larger than their bodies and their tails are longer with a minimum curve at the end.
What is Westiepoo?
A Westiepoo is a hybrid of a Poodle and a West Highland White Terrier. This dog breed is lovely, affectionate and intelligent. However, there is always a dispute over the parents of the Westie poo. Overall, they are good to keep inside the home.
What Size does Westipoo Typically Reach?
The size of the Westiepoo is around 12 inches in males. And for the females, it’s around 9 inches. For the weight, on an average basis, their weight is around 20-30 pounds. Overall, they are smart and lovable pets.
How much Grooming does a Westiepoo Reach?
In terms of grooming, you would not need to have the Westiepoo daily bath. This would only be when you get dirty. For ear care, you will need to trim the hairs every week so there might not be chances of getting the dirt inside. Daily exercise is for the depending upon the climate conditions.
Are Westiepoo Good Family Pets?
Yes, they are best to keep inside the home as they don’t shed the hair so the allergy sufferers are safe with this dog breed. The Westie Poodle tends to have a greater chance of frankness with the humans and they easily get along with the children too.
Does Westiepoo Shed a Lot?
No, lucky it is a good point to all of the allergy sufferers they do not shed a lot. You can easily have a better lifestyle with the Westie Poodle if you the proper care of him including all the aspects of grooming.
Westiepoo are dogs breed with intelligent nature and smart features. They easily get along with the humans. Their cute features make everyone love them and they do not shed a lot due to which you can have better health conditions if you are allergic. Plus, the point is that, if you are keeping the Westipoo then they will be your family companion. However, proper grooming based on monthly, weekly or daily is essential to keep any health issues away from your pet dog. Their dark eyes are another feature to praise for!