HomeBlogCalm Dog Breeds Are Lazy, Calm, And Low Energy Dogs

Calm Dog Breeds Are Lazy, Calm, And Low Energy Dogs

Calm dog breeds are gentle souls with their laid-back and easygoing nature. This relaxed and low-stress pet easily fits with singles, couples, or families. Today’s busiest routine, everybody wants a quieter friend in a relaxing and calm environment. So, the four-legged friend is the perfect match and a bliss for anyone’s life. These pets flourish in calmer situations with a gentle temperament, low activity levels, and an affectionate disposition. Calm dog breeds are best for apartments with their low maintenance and lazy tendencies. There are Several pets like Borzoi, the Great Dane and the Newfoundland have also calm demeanors despite their larger size. 

What Is the Calmest Lap Dog?

Some of the calmest dog breeds are described here. 

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Indeed, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is one of the calmest lap dog breeds. Their hearts are full of love, loyalty, and devotion, despite the modest size of their bellies.  Their expressive eyes, silky flowing coats, and captivated personalities truly attract humans. Friendly, gentle, adaptable, and charming companion is perfect for singles and seniors alike. Hence, This Calm dog breeds enjoy calm and peaceful moments with their owners like watching TV or sitting quietly in the lounge. With their moderate energy level, they enjoy short walks and games. They become an ideal companion for those who are seeking a calm and mellow dog.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

What Are the Most Calm Dog Breeds?

  Some of the calmest dogs and mellow canine companions are here.

French Bulldog

French Bulldogs known as “Frenchie,” was bred initially in England in the 19th century. These miniature Bulldogs were later moved to France. These mild and composed nature dogs moved to France with  lacemakers.They become a family dog due to their even tempered nature. Indeed, It is best for those people who want a low-maintenance and loving pet. These low-energy dog do not  need excessive exercise.But they require plenty of time to play. Hence, Their intelligent and eager-to-please nature makes it easy for the trainer to train them. Their sometimes stubborn streak has become trouble for the owners. The Frenchies don’t want to walk in a stubborn mood. This dog breed quickly goes back to relaxing on the couch after cuddles.

Japanese Chin

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is tiny, with a cat-like appearance. The Japanese Chin referred to as, the Japanese Spaniel, is a highly elegant and beloved companion in the Japanese imperial court. They easily relax in the lounge and take a nice nap. Japanese Chins are friendly and loyal to families and bark at strangers. They bark melodically and do not become so aggressive. However, they feel joy and pleasure in watching television with their family. These apartment-living dogs easily snuggle at home. These small calm dogs are often easy to train and become a beloved companion of kids and other pets.

Lhasa Apso

The Lhasa Apso was, developed in Tibet, with its majestic appearance. Its appearance and playful personality captured the hearts of many dog enthusiasts. Its small size and loyal and affectionate nature enhance its worth in the eye of the world. Lhasa Apsos have long, silky coats that enable them to easily endure extreme temperatures. Its coat requires regular grooming for well looking. They prefer to spend a lot of time relaxing and stress-free situation.  Lhasa Apsos are intelligent and active dogs, requiring regular exercise, proper training, and socialization to prevent boredom. They are independent, protective, confident, and courageous dogs that make them great watchdogs. 

Lhasa Apso

Some Chill Small Dog Breeds Are Calm, Quiet, and Laid-Back

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is a tiny dog breed with a big heart developed in China. It has a long, flowing, and double-layered coat pushed-in face. Their bold name, Shih Tzu, means “little lion” and is known for their affectionate,  friendly, and outgoing personalities. Tzu, a breed with ancient origins, often led a lavish life because the Chinese emperors greatly cared for and favored them. These dogs were not bred for hunting and guarding. These calm dog breeds are apartment-living dogs and are easily relaxed on the couch. They need minimal exercise but require regular grooming. They get tired of a play session and then need rest. Overall, the Shih Tzu is a calm small dog breed but lively, delightful, and loyal companion living close to their families



 Chihuahua is the oldest, smallest, and calm dog breed. It was developed in Mexico with a charming and quirky personality. The bold and confident breed has large, expressive eyes, delicate features, prominent ears, and apple-shaped heads. These best small quiet dogs are full of  love and affection and easily attached with human beings. This beloved breed, often, lives in compact homes and forms close relationships with their human families. These are loyal and intensly attached to their owners. These best calm dog breeds are quite protective despite their size. Generally, Chihuahua’s calm and quiet nature make them ideal for people living in apartments or for silent companions.

Calm Dog Breeds Are Low-Energy, Lazy Dogs

The low-energy canines are considered the calmest dog breeds. Some of the low-energy and lazy dogs are here.

Basset Hound As Lazy Calm Dog Breeds

Basset Hounds were bred in France for hunting. They have long ears, droopy eyes, short legs, and a distinctive physical appearance. Their laid-back temperament and easygoing personality look like they’re always taking life slow. This breed easily relaxed on the couch. Moreover, their calm, friendly, and social nature makes them live with families and other pets calmly. However, their stubborn nature becomes a challenge for the owner. They require regular exercise to maintain their physical health. Hence, this calm dog breeds have a strong sense of smell to sniff the surroundings. Additionally, they’re happiest when snuggled up in a warm bed. 

English Bulldog as a Calm Dog Breeds

English Bulldog is bred for bull-baiting and is known for its muscular, stout build and characteristic. They are lazy and are more interested in snoozing on the sofa.

Indeed, they live a couch potato and relaxed life rather than going for a jog. This breed has stout build and a wrinkly face. Moreover, these calm dog breeds are lazy and easy-going breed need low maintenance for short walks and playtime. Their soft and submissive nature makes them attractive to humans. They become fed up out of the house, but they’re softies inside.

 Chow Chow

 Chow Chow

Chow Chow is an awesome dog with a fluffy coat and curly tail. This dog is trusty, intelligent, and like to live alone. In the calm and quiet environment, they feel peace and pleasure. They require training to maintain their physical appearance. Additionally, the breed has a quiet and calm nature and spends quality time with families.  Chow Chow’s quiet nature enjoys the company of a silent companion.

How To Relax the Calm Dog Breeds?

The calm dog breeds live in a peaceful and comfy environment. It is necessary to engage them in games like running, walking, and playing toys to sustain their physical and mental health. Otherwise, they will become depressed and bored. Training sessions help to reduce their stress and anxiety. Regular exercise boosts their energy level and makes them calm and happy. Hence, you will relax the puppies and take away from the noises and tense circumstances.  Some breeds like to listen to music for relaxation. Indeed, All puppies are not the same, you will have to consider your breed’s behavior and consult with a professional. To following these steps you will keep your puppy in a more relaxed and comfortable zone.

Calm Dog Breeds the Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are easy-going and calm-natured dogs than the puppy of the same. Originating in Scotland as a hunting companion. Their calm and gentle nature is the best choice for first-time dog owners, and those seeking ac. Since these calm dog breeds are the most patient and even-tempered dogs which makes them less aggressive. Moreover, Their calm demeanor keeps them composed and gentle in various situations. These are easy to train and respond well in obedience training. They quickly adjust to new situations and often remain calm and quiet with new people and dogs.


Is It Good To Have a Calm Dog Breed?

Yes, a peaceful dog is good for both the owner and house guarding. These dogs reduce stress and create a calm and peaceful environment. In the hustle and bustle routine, everybody needs a calm friend so a calm dog will become the best friend of the humans and families.

How to Calm Dogs?

Generally, these dogs relaked in a calm environment where they feel stress free. So provide them with a quiet and cozy environment. Some dogs feel relaxed after listening to music or watching TV. When these calm dog breeds feel boredom then involve them in playing games, physical exercises, and running and walking.


It is concluded, that the Calm dog breeds are laid-back and easygoing nature dogs. Their relaxed and calm attitude easily fits them with singles, families, and other pets. This quite and calm breed enjoys the company of the silent companion. In addition. These calm dogs breed will easily adjust in compartments and houses. These even-tempered and low-maintenance dogs will not live in tense and uncalm circumstances. Their obedient and soft temperament captured the attention of humans. Indeed, they are living a couch potato life and easily sleep on a cozy cave dog bed. Overall, these are the best protective dogs and their alert nature helps them in guarding.



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